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Posted February 24, 2021 by Name

Spring Has Come Early This Year! Time To Get Cleaning

Well, the groundhog didn’t see his shadow which means we are getting an early spring this year! No more lighting those Bath and Body Works candles to get a fresh scent, it’s time to actually get that fresh linen scent.

Clean gutters and downspouts

Let’s keep the spring rain flowing freely and give those gutters a thorough clean. Rumour has it Gene Kelly only likes ‘Singing in the Rain’ when he knows your gutters are cleaned out. What a glorious feeling, he’ll be happy again – as property managers, we too will be happy knowing tenants are taking proactive rather than reactive maintenance approaches.

Clogged gutters can cause water leaks inside your home and let moisture into the house. What does this mean? Moisture is a breeding ground for insects – GROSS! YOU are paying the rent. Don’t let these tiny insects get away with living rent-free.

Move wood and junk away from the house

Similar to gutters, move wood and junk away from the house to prevent concentrated moisture and insects. Attract guests, not pests.

Scrub walls, baseboards, light switches and outlets

 Need we say more? Freshen up those walls and baseboards with a good cleaning. You’ll be surprised at the dust that collects!

*Remember to make sure the outlets are completely dry before replacing.


Test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors

Perform regular inspections by checking to see if batteries need to be changed in the smoke alarm or carbon monoxide detector. No more getting those annoying (but helpful) “low battery” notifications from the alarms.

Wash windows

Wash your windows – BOTH interior and exterior. It’s an overlooked detail that can make the world of a difference!

Don’t have a cleaning solution to wash windows? Try mixing one-part distilled vinegar with 10 parts of warm water. Put your new cleaning solution in a spray bottle and use a lint-free microfiber cloth or paper towel.

Marie Kondo your house

Does it spark joy? No. Time to get rid of it. Having trouble starting the cleaning process? Try following the Marie Kondo method:

  1. Commit yourself to tidying up – The Marie Kondo method focuses on setting the tone for a new lifestyle and not a quick fix tidying approach. Be mindful during the experience.
  2. Imagine your ideal lifestyle – Don’t tidy your house to make it look presentable for guests; tidy your house to make YOU feel good about your living space.
  3. Finish discarding first – Focus on the items that bring joy and discard the rest with gratitude. This will help visualize how many things need storing.
  4. Tidy by category, not by location – “When you tidy each place separately, you’re repeating the same work in many locations. You can never grasp the overall volume of each type of thing you own – you’re more likely to keep the paperclips in your office if you don’t consider the stockpile in the attic. The result is that you become locked in a never-ending cycle of tidying.” – Marie Kondo
  5. Follow the right order – To be the most effective, Kondo suggests tidying in this order: clothes, books, papers, sentimental items.
  6. Ask yourself if it sparks joy – When tidying, ask yourself, “Does this spark joy?” If not, then disregard the item. As a result, you’ll end up keeping the things you love and need.

Want to read more? Check out Marie Kondo’s website:


As much as we love seeing bumblebees flying around, we don’t like them living in our home with us. Get a head start on spring cleaning by taking a proactive approach and anticipating and solving problems before they occur. Trust us, it will all be worth it.